What are Implants and Negative Elementals and How do They Affect Us?

There are two types of implants. The first type of implant contains fear programming which are lodged within one’s system when one experiences deep fear, trauma, accidents or depression from childhood, adulthood, and even past lives. This would serve to keep the person in the space of fear and thus prevent the person from owning their personal power and self mastery, and to think, feel or act from Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness. The second type of implant is a tool used by negative ETs to siphon energy from one’s energy system, which they use as a tracking device and also to block one’s access to love and light.

Negative elementals originate from negative thought forms, which are attracted to negative emotional energy. So if one is filled with negative emotions such as anger, judgment, violence, lack of self love and worth, guilt, worry, sadness, depression, inferiority, upset, lack of inner peace, lack of evenmindedness, attack thoughts and feelings, negative elementals will easily attach themselves to one’s energy system.

Obviously these negative energies do not serve our higher purpose and can often sabotage our spiritual progress.

“This is nothing to be afraid of since everyone on earth has them – and we have had them throughout all of our past lives. However, as we move upward on our path of initiation it is important to clear them.”