The Master Teachers assist you to a higher Spiritual Enlightenment as well as answering your questions dealing with your physical existence. They can assist you in clearing karmic patterns and releasing them, and changing destructive behavioral patterns. The knowledge, energy, colors and tones shared with you are personalized to your specific needs. This helps you to make changes in all areas of your life; relationships, family, work and most important, prepare you to be able to complete your mission here on earth.

The Spiritual Doctors that have agreed to come through, make adjustments in the mental, physical, emotional, astral, etheric, cellular, and the molecular levels for whatever is needed. They can open up your intuitive centers, clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient facilities. They can help you to have mental clarity, focus and improve memory function. They will clear, balance, open and activate your energy centers and expand your energy field. This will release blocked energy which may be lowering your immune system. They adjust your physical discomfort and begin the healing process, at the root of the problem. The Spiritual Doctors will clear and help heal deep emotional, mental, physical & sexual traumas from all time frames. They will assist you in nurturing and healing your inner child. You need to help all the adjustments by following their instructions so that you don't return to the weakened or painful state that you were in. This usually means changing your patterns, so you don't repeat the difficulty.

The Ascended Masters help you to be more "CHRIST LIKE", they heal and share unconditional love with you. They help you love yourself to the degree that you will be prepared to receive it from a mate and share the unconditional love with all. All of the adjustments and assistance given help you to move closer to your oneness with God. Which is your reason for being here. Private sessions includes a tape as well.

Saint Germain