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DNA Activations
Crystalline Light Body Attunements

As Earth raises its vibration, human beings are being given many opportunities to raise their vibration as well. One of the golden keys to individual ascension work is DNA Activations to awaken and activate what scientists call the "junk DNA" - which is the DNA strands that they have no clue as to what it does.
That once you activated these DNA abilities, you could manifest anything you desired in your life, live a life without drama, create your ideal physical body, become immune to all dis-ease, and REVERSE the aging process.
Imagine if you realized that you could actually change your blueprint of life, your DNA, to enable you to expand your creative potential, provide access to your subconscious mind, and become intuitive, clairvoyant, and know instantly what your purpose is in life.
Considering the truth that, what we call reality are grid programs which are created by Thoth through the energies of 12 pyramids in order to learn necessary lessons to expand spiritually and finally ascend back to Higher Realms. This reflects in the 12 Strand DNA and 12 Chakras which are gates to Higher Consciousness. It acts as a space-time clock that links the grids and gives them consciousness and stores its information in the akashic records.
The six pairs of strands are called the 12-strand spiritual DNA. In the 12-strand system, the first pair is physical and the other five pairs of strands are non-physical energy imprints in the human energy field.
1st Pair: governs the creation of all aspects of our physical body. It controls our genetic patterning, our physical body, our predisposition to certain health conditions, our aging process, our metabolism and much more.
2nd Pair: governs our emotional body. It creates and controls our genetic emotional profile as well as our predisposition to certain emotional conditions. For example, it governs our EQ (our emotional intelligence), determines whether we will be a type A or a type B personality and determines whether we will be introverted or extroverted.
3rd Pair: governs our mental body. It controls our genetic mental profile and determines whether our mental energy be directed toward logical, linear, rational thinking (as in a scientist or an engineer) or toward the intuitive, artistic expression. Furthermore, it controls whether we will be primarily optimistic or primarily pessimistic.
4th Pair: governs our soul. It controls our karmic patterning and our genetic soul profile.
Karmic patterning refers to the karmic pre-conditioning that we have brought into this lifetime to work with and master. Specifically, it includes karmic wounds, issues or lessons that were not resolved or completed in past lifetime experiences and which will re-manifest in this lifetime to give us with an opportunity to resolve them.
Genetic soul profile governs our soul's mission. It determines what soul level archetypal pattern we will have. For example will we be destined to be a leader, healer, builder, teacher, student, warrior, monastic, parent, etc? Furthermore, it contains a profile of the experiences we are to have, the wisdom we are to develop, the spiritual strengths we are to master, the service we are to provide to others and the path we are to take to find pure joy.
5th Pair: governs our soul cluster and controls the movement and timing of specific souls within a soul cluster to seek and find each other to the mutual fulfillment of their souls purpose.
6th Pair: governs all of creation and aligns your 12-strand DNA with divine will.
What exactly is DNA Activation?
Most people know that DNA is the 'blueprint of life' and is located in every cell of the body. In addition to each chromosome's 2 strand double helix of DNA, there are an additional 10 etheric strands of DNA available to each human, which have been de-activated and dormant since the beginning of recorded history. Each additional strand possesses attributes that permit the individual to perform greater human accomplishments. Scientists acknowledge that we currently only use 3% of our current 2 strand DNA. Thus we live in a society where people are sick, unhappy, stressed out, create wars, have difficulty experiencing love, and are totally disconnected with the universe. Most people have to meditate for many years just to have a so-called 'mystical' experience, that's how disconnected we are now. Imagine activating 100% of your 2 strand DNA, PLUS 10 additional strands! You will go from using 10% of your brain to becoming a multi-dimensional being with psychic, telepathic, and manifestation abilities beyond anything you've ever dreamed of. Plus, you will stop the aging process and actually start to rejuvenate to look and feel YOUNGER. This is the Original Divine Blueprint, what man USED to be. It has been written that Jesus had 12 strands
of DNA activated. There have been children born throughout the history of humanity to raise the frequency of the planet that have more than 2 strands of DNA active - they are known as Indigo children. These are the incredibly intelligent, loving, and amazing children that are being mistakenly diagnosed as having A.D.D. because they are too smart to pay attention in class. Your DNA is your blueprint of life and is what controls every single function inside each of your cells. If you change your DNA, you really will change your life.
I am a sceptic - anyone that has had biology in high school knows that DNA is a Double Helix structure. How can there be additional strands of DNA and what does this look like?
The portions of the DNA chain that science has presently identified as the "Double Helix", represent only the SURFACE portions of the chemical, elemental, and electrical components of the active DNA strands. Science has yet to identify the MULTIDIMENSIONAL spectra of DNA manifestation, and has yet to realize that within the structures of detectable DNA, there are levels of structure and function that direct the operations of the entire genetic blueprint, which are not currently detectable by the contemporary scientific method.
The human DNA imprint will always appear from external analysis, as a 2 strand Double Helix configuration. But what is not understood, is that within the Double Helix there are, and will be progressively more, additional Double Helix strands, which fuse together and add their operational coding into the active DNA imprint. As science evolves into comprehension of the mult-dimensional spectrum, the understanding of the tree structure and function of DNA will progressively advance.
But one does not have to wait for science to catch up with a rapidly evolving humanity in order to begin advancing the functions of their DNA. Through the processes of bioregenesis, we are removing ancient blockages within the human anatomy that have been blocking natural DNA activation, and then we are restoring the Original Organic Imprint for Health, that is the birthright of our species. We are progressively reordering portions of the "junk DNA" and stimulating portions of the DNA into activation.
How and why was our DNA 'disconnected'?
If you study the ancient history of humankind, you will see how the early humans were not "primitive" like certain historians and governments would have you believe. They were actually much more advanced than we are now. They communicated telepathically and were basically gods. So as you can imagine, it would be pretty hard for you to control a person like this. Imagine if everyone at your work was telepathic. Don't you think that this would make your boss a bit uneasy? At one point in our history, some of the beings who called themselves "gods" could not maintain any secrets from their human "workforce", so they first decided to do a genetic manipulation which created the split brain. This separated the analytical part of a person's reasoning from their intuitive, emotional part and the problems associated from this can still be seen today. They then unplugged 10 of the 12 strands of DNA but left them there. Some of this is the chemical DNA that science calls "junk" DNA, the DNA that is just sitting there inside your cells, the other is the etheric DNA that exists in higher harmonics of frequency that you can't see with the naked eye. Once the 10 etheric strands of DNA were unplugged, humans that would come after this would have a terrible time deciphering thought. So these beings that called themselves gods then introduced language. Language separated tribes and peoples. Think of how much easier life would be if there was only one universal language! And so, humans started having to have verbal commands to understand and perform certain tasks and this is still very apparent to this day. Look at how the militaries of the world accomplish this with "orders". The next decision was to change the humans' DNA structure to suppress psychic abilities and make the unconscious mind almost unavailable. So the 10 DNA strands were unravelled and implants were placed in the etheric bodies to keep the strands from re-fusing. The strands were also disconnected from the endocrine system in the physical body which stopped the creation of a chemical which activates the pituitary, pineal, and hypothalamus glands. Thus, these glands have since shrunken from non-use, and scientists can't figure out what they are used for. This is why most people currently only use less than 10% of their brain. Only a few individuals retained the use of these glands in future generations - these individuals carried the special gene that makes them natural psychics, mystics, or shamans. The general population of mankind was left with the ability to activate the glands and 10 DNA strands, but only if they were dedicated and aware of how to do it. And this is what DNA Perfection does - re-activates these DNA strands so a person can realize their true genetic potential and original blueprint. And activating your DNA will also enable you to finally have 100% brain utilization. It's a very interesting history - that of humankind, and I encourage you to experience the knowledge through your own diligent research. Our race was not only affected by genetic tampering and experimentation but was also almost totally decimated by distortions in the planetary grids. You see, the Earth is a living organism as well and brings in energy from Source just like any living organism or planetary structure. We as humans living on the Earth, can only bring into our bodies the frequencies that Earth can bring in from Source. If the Earth's grids are damaged, then every life form living on Earth will have a damaged DNA template. Planetary grid distortions of the 3470 BC "Babble-on" Massacre caused mutation in the human DNA template that shortened human life span, blocked higher sensory perception, caused loss of race memory, and scrambled our original language patterns, which are built upon DNA fire letter sequencing. Our race has been amnesiac, dying young, and "babbling on" in rhetorical conflict ever since. This historical event was recorded as the biblical "Tower of Babel" story.
What are the reported benefits and results of DNA Activation?
DNA activation removes the energetic blockages to you embodying your Higher self, Oversoul consciousness, Avatar self, and Monad - the part of you closest to Source or God. So consciousness expansion is one of the main benefits and after the sessions, you will be more aware of everything, especially what your purpose is and why you incarnated here at this point in "time". You will start to become aware or see things that others cannot see - some of the hidden agendas going on and how to make decisions to help you and your family in the best way possible. Your dormant brain functions will start to become active, especially your pineal gland. This will help to start tapping into your 7 Higher Senses, and you will be able to use these on a daily basis with practice. Some of the physical benefits reported by clients include thicker hair growth, weight loss and stabilization of desired weight, increased energy, and rejuvenation of various muscles. You will start to see how your body is just a thoughtform as well, and you can change your body more easily with focus, so you won't have to work out as much. Emotionally, you will go beyond your personal dramas, the aggravation of everyday life. Your body will undergo a detoxification, which will bring old emotional issues to the surface to be released forever, to no longer cause dis-ease and poison the body. You will also experience a renewed sense of confidence and security, and will project that to others, which will allow you to have more fulfilling relationships, increased trust and discernment, and the attraction of soul mates. Almost everyone also reports much quicker manifestations of that which they desire.
What type of healings occur after having DNA Activations?
Spontaneous healings can occur at the time of activations. These usually have to do with acute physical and emotional disorders. After the activations, there is a purification process that begins to detoxify the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. There have been many patients who have cured themselves of cancer and other serious diseases after having the DNA activations.
How long does it take to notice the effects from the sessions?
It really depends on the person. Everyone is different and is at a different level of spiritual evolution. After performing over 4000 sessions, I have noticed the following. Some people notice the effects immediately after the session, have spontaneous healings and miraculous realizations occur immediately, while others have reported consciously seeing the results anywhere from 1 to 5 days after the session. The changes do not just happen overnight though. They continue for weeks and MONTHS after each session. This is because the work that we are doing is on your subtle bodies, the one's that exist in higher frequencies. You actually have 15 levels to your Auric Field. So the energetic blockages that we remove in these higher dimensions of yourself usually take at least a few days to flow down into a person's conscious awareness and holographic reality. The idea is to facilitate permanent changes that last a lifetime, so it's good to have the sessions as soon as possible.
Meditation to integrate these Codes into your Being is recommended.
There are now seven crystalline light bodies that people can bring in and activate that will dramatically increase the number of active DNA strands. The seven crystalline light bodies are different colors - Blue, Violet, White, Gold, Platinum, Ultra-Violet and the VOID one. Most ascended masters on this planet developed the blue, violet and white light bodies prior to their ascension. Through an unprecedented act of divine grace human beings on this planet can now activate their DNA enough to bring in the Gold. Platinum, Utra-Violet and VOID Crystalline Light Body for the first time ever on this planet.
Archangel Metatron downloads and activate all of these crystalline light body and DNA strands for clients. I also asked him for additional attunements for each level of DNA activation and the crystalline light body that can help people to integrate these higher vibrations with ease and grace.
Before you start the first DNA Attunement you will get the Reiki Attunements for FREE – Click here to learn more.
- Crystalline Blue Light Body DNA Activation, Clearing, Activation and Attunement from Metatron
- In this session, Metatron transmits to you the crystalline blue light body clearing and activation with six powerful attunements.
- The first transmission is a clearing of anything and everything that would adversely impact your ability to activate and integrate the crystalline blue light body and the accompanying attunements.
- The second transmission brings in a pink ray to clear out cellular memory.
- The third transmission brings in a turquoise ray to clear out memories and trauma from your emotional body.
- The fourth transmission brings in an indigo purple ray to clear and repair the genetic codes for the DNA, RNA and ENA (ENA being the emotional level of the genetic coding).
- The fifth transmission is for the activation of the crystalline blue light body that activates the main 12 Strand DNA and randomly between 5,000 to 10,000 strands of your DNA.
- The sixth transmission is for the integration of these energies in your energetic body with ease and grace.
- Cost of this life changing CD is only $ 39 USD.
- Crystalline Violet Light Body DNA Activation, Clearing, Activation and Attunement from Metatron
- In this session, Metatron transmits to you the crystalline violet light body clearing and activation with six powerful attunements.
- The first transmission is a clearing of anything and everything that would adversely impact your ability to activate and integrate the crystalline violet light body and the accompanying attunements.
- The second transmission brings in a magenta ray to clear out the spaces between the cells.
- The third transmission brings in a indigo/blue ray to clear out all of the four lower energy bodies on a macro level (physical, etheric, emotional, mental).
- The fourth transmission brings in an gold ray to fine-tune and make micro-adjustments to the clearing for the four lower bodies.
- The fifth transmission is for the activation of the crystalline violet light body which activates the main 12 Strand DNA and randomly 10,000 to 20,000 strands of your DNA.
- The sixth transmission is for the integration of these energies in your energetic body with ease and grace.
- Prerequisite: Crystalline Blue Light Body Clearing, Activation and Attunements. This DNA activation session can be ordered at the same time as the Crystalline Blue Light Body Clearing, Activation and Attunements.
- Cost of this life changing CD is only $ 49 USD.
- Crystalline White Light Body DNA Activation, Clearing, Activation and Attunement from Metatron
- In this session, Metatron transmits to you the crystalline white light body clearing and activation with six powerful attunements.
- The first transmission is a clearing of anything and everything that would adversely impact your ability to activate and integrate the crystalline white light body and the accompanying attunements.
- The second transmission brings in a fuchsia ray to clear out past life data that block your smooth progression to enlightenment and mastery.
- The third transmission brings in a gold ray from the central sun to restore the pristine blueprints for the four lower bodies.
- The fourth transmission brings in a light blue aqua ray to soothe and harmonize the mental body and holographic mind.
- The fifth transmission is for the activation of the crystalline violet light body which activates the main 12 Strand DNA and randomly between 20,000 to 50,000 strands of your DNA.
- The seventh transmission is for the integration of these energies in your energetic body with ease and grace.
- Prerequisite: Crystalline Violet Light Body Clearing, Activation and Attunements. I do ask clients to please wait at least two weeks after the crystalline violet light body activation before ordering this one to allow time for integration.
- Cost of this life changing CD is only $ 89 USD.
- Crystalline Gold Light Body DNA Activation, Clearing, Activation and Attunement from Metatron
- In this session, Metatron transmits to you the Crystalline White Light Body clearing and activation with six powerful attunements.
- The first transmission is a clearing of anything and everything that would adversely impact your ability to activate and integrate the Crystalline Gold Light Body and the accompanying attunements.
- The second transmission brings in a dark plum ray to connect and purify your multidimensional heart and holographic mind.
- The third transmission brings in an emerald green ray to activate four chambers of the heart (chambers for divine compassion, service to Spirit, devotion, Christ Consciousness).
- The fourth transmission brings in a pearly white ray representing the innocence and purity of the Christ vibration for all levels of your consciousness and being.
- The fifth transmission is for the activation of the crystalline violet light body that activates the main 12 Strand DNA and randomly between 40,000 to 100,000 strands of your DNA.
- The sixth transmission is for the integration of these energies in your energetic body with ease and grace.
- Prerequisite: Crystalline White Light Body Clearing, Activation and Attunements. I do ask clients to please wait at least one week after the crystalline white light body activation before ordering this one to allow time for integration.
- Cost of this life changing CD is only $ 99 USD.
- Crystalline Platinum Light Body DNA Activation, Clearing, Activation and Attunement from Metatron
- In this session, Metatron transmits to you the Crystalline Platinum Light Body clearing and activation with six powerful attunements.
- The first transmission is a clearing of anything and everything that would adversely impact your ability to activate and integrate the Crystalline Platinum Light Body and the accompanying attunements.
- The second transmission upgrades the physical body organs to accommodate the newly awakened and activated DNA.
- The third transmission upgrades the circulatory system.
- The fourth transmission upgrades the lymphatic system.
- The fifth transmission upgrades the Kundalini Energy Channel.
- The sixth transmission upgrades the Tantric Energy Channels.
- The seventh transmission is for the activation of the Crystalline Platinum Light body that activates the main 12 Strand DNA and randomly between 75,000 to 150,000 strands of your DNA.
- The eighth transmission is for the integration of these energies in your energetic body with ease and grace.
- Prerequisite: Crystalline Gold Light Body Clearing, Activation and Attunements. I do ask clients to please wait at least two weeks after the crystalline gold light body activation before ordering this one to allow time for integration.
- Cost of this life changing CD is only $ 111 USD.
- Crystalline Ultra-Violet Light Body DNA Activation, Clearing, Activation and Attunement from Metatron
- In this session, Metatron transmits to you the Crystalline Ultra-Violet Light Body clearing and activation with six powerful attunements.
- The first transmission is a clearing of anything and everything that would adversely impact your ability to activate and integrate the Crystalline Ultra-Violet Light Body and the accompanying attunements.
- The second transmission is for the activation of the Crystalline Ultra-Violet Light body that activates the main 12 Strand DNA and randomly around 200,000 strands of your DNA.
- The seven accompanying attunements assist each person to spiritualize, heal, balance and harmonize all of the spiritual and energetic bodies needed to integrate in the Ultra-Violet Light Body and DNA Activation. This is a major step toward mastery and enlightenment.
- The tenth transmission is for the integration of these energies in your energetic body with ease and grace.
- Please note that this activation is not for everyone. People need to have obtained a high level of mastery in order to receive the full benefits from this activation. Please go within and ask if you are ready for this activation BEFORE you order it.
- Prerequisite: Crystalline Platinum Light Body Clearing, Activation and Attunements. I do ask clients to please wait at least one month after the crystalline platinum light body activation before ordering this one to allow time for integration.
- Cost of this life changing CD is only $ 33 USD.
- VOID Light Body DNA Activation, Clearing, Activation and Attunements
- In this session, Metatron transmits to you the VOID Light Body clearing and activation with a number of attunements that will be determined by your spiritual evolution.
- The first transmission is a clearing of anything and everything that would adversely impact your ability to activate and integrate the Crystalline Ultra-Violet Light Body and the accompanying attunements.
- The second transmission is for the activation of the VOID Light body that activates the main 12 Strand DNA and randomly over 300,000 strands of your DNA.
- The next transmissions that you will receive will be determined by your spiritual evolution
- The last transmission is for the integration of these energies in your energetic body with ease and grace.
- Prerequisite: Crystalline Ultra-Violet Light Body Clearing, Activation and Attunements. I do ask clients to please wait at least one month after the crystalline ultra-violet light body activation before ordering this one to allow time for integration.
- Cost of this life changing CD is only $ 19 USD.
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Tom Om, Chiropractor, Spiritual Healer and Reiki Master

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